We are in Quito now, capital of Ecuador, we left amazon two weeks ago, flying from Letticia to Bogota capital city of Columbia, there is no other way to make this travel, to dangerous and only rivers , I did not wanted to give Elfi to the doctors again so we decided to take of the gips ourselfs, it was easy. He felt little weird on the begiining but now, how to walk learning process, is on again. We left our beutifull house with our three pets taking care of the insects in the kitchen, gekon, tarantalu and tree frog . Arriving in Bogota was quite hard, this 10 milion people city, is situated on 2600 m above see lavel, it was quite a shock, cold nights, crazy traffic, noise. I am sorry I do not have many photos, I am just not brave enough to take my big lens camera in most interesting places. We moved to old town and wondered a bit, visiting museums ( photos of Botero paintings ), escaping became difficuult due to a blocked road by protesting coffee farmers. So we moved to the small reserve 3 houres bus from Bogota, visiting our old friend ,from Den Haag, Sofija where she lives with her beutifull warm family. We worked a little in the garden, wash in the waterfall, and enjoyed sounds of the forest again. Strike finished we took some buses to Quito, after 36 hours in diffrent buses we are again in huge city , 2800 m above sea , Andes are magnificent , Tomorow we take a bus to south of Ecuador, and before weeekend we plan finally to reach our next destination. Adios amigos. Love you and miss you Tomaszek
Polski prosze znalezc tlumacza,
Freedom , uwolniony
Gekon |
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Amazon |
OLd town Bogota |
Botero |
Coffee is comming senior |
Bogota |
Witam... tu goska z Quito station.... mam nadzieje ze wszystko u was dobrze i szczesliwie dojechaliscie na farme.... myslimy powaznie o dolaczeniu do was za jakis czas ta wiec jak mozecie napiszcie jak tam jest... jestesmy bardzo ciekawi... moze latwiej na maila msnitko@yahoo.co.uk zainspirowala nas tez wasza podroz po amazonii, ale to juz pozniej... buziaki